Studio Classes
Studio classes offer students the opportunity to sing for each other in a safe environment. We typically discuss different performance topics at each class (stage fright, preparation, proper dress, how to treat an accompanist, how to audition, etc.).
Recitals are a celebration of musical achievement and give structure and goals to weekly lessons. At the same time, recital participation is neither guaranteed nor mandatory. Fees are assessed per event and I will assess students’ preparedness and make recommendations accordingly.
Performance Classes
I teach Broadway Solo Performance and Opera Workshop courses at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. These are great opportunities for growth as a performer in a group setting that culminate in a showcase on the PAC Stage. Ask me for more details.

From time to time, there will be competitions and workshops available for students of qualified age and preparedness. Fees will be assessed to cover the cost of the accompanist and the program.
Regional and All-State Choir Auditions
High school students interested in auditioning for Regional and All-State Choir should begin preparing in the fall for the early winter audition. Strong musical performance and music sight reading skills are necessary and cannot be learned at the last minute.
University and College Auditions
I specialize in preparing students for post-secondary auditions. If you are considering a post-secondary education in music—please speak to me. Every institution has specific audition requirements (theory, interview, performance assessment, etc.) Your lessons will be catered to meet these requirements. One hour lessons are recommended and you may require additional classes.
Musical Theater and Opera Auditions
Musical theater and opera auditions require a prepared performance too! Please let me know early if this is something we need to work on.